And Kung Hei Fat Choi for The Year of the Snake


Greetings to you at the start of this very important year!

Here we are….. in 2025…..the year we have been waiting for. There have been so many predictions for this year, some great and some scary. It depends from where we are looking at this. There has to be some destruction as the old paradigm is breaking apart, but this is good as it makes way for the new.

No one can deny that we have lived in a very corrupt world for centuries. All the prophecies, from The Mayans, to the Incas, to the Christian Bible ( a New Heaven and a new Earth) and the Hindu astrological calender, have talked about this time. A time of upheaval and change for the better.

If you subscribe to the theory of reincarnation, we chose to be here at this time. I, for one, feel priviliged to be here right now to see and experience first hand, the death of the old and the birth of the new. Remember, this is the Apocalypse. Apocalypse means revelation. Have you noticed how many hidden things are coming to light now and there is more to come. One of my sons calls me an Apocaloptomist !! Thats me.

What we focus on, we get more of. That is an indisputable law in both Spirituality and Quantum Physics.

I will be away from 12th Feb until 14th March. So if you wish to make an appointment to see me, there is not much time left.

I am firstly visiting HONG KONG and then on to see my son and his family in NEW ZEALAND.

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Sunday 26th January

10:00 to 5pm

£60 to include light vegetarian lunch

TAROT is an amazing tool, which can be used for personal growth and for doing Psychic readings for others.

Learn the meaning of each card.

How to interpret them.

How to lay out a spread.

How to read for another person

And much more!

As this workshop is at my home, places are limited, so book early.



(wood) SNAKE

Many of us have felt that we were burning in the Refiners Fire as we progressed through the year of the Dragon. It was certainly quite a tumultous year for so many. It helped us to identify and burn away old outworn and destructive patterns. It also helped us to clear away some of our old Karma. It brought up Ancestral karma for us to clear on our own behalf as well as that of our ancestors. As we worked through these old inherited belief systems and family patterns, we not only did ourselves a favour but helped our ancestors too. In both Spirituality and Quantum Physics there is no time and we are all connected. In other words, as we heal our ancestors , we heal ourselves and we do not bring old negativities in to the future.

Now we begin the SNAKE year :

The snake is a symbol of wisdom in many cultures. It is a time for us to connect with our Inner Wisdom. And , like the snake, it is time to shed our old skins, to slide forward gently and with purpose. A rare occurrence, the year of the Wood Snake is believed to confer unique energies on all other signs. Some signs will benefit more than others.

In this year it is good to think outside the box and be creative and adventurous when faced with challenges . The Snake brings adaptability and, for many, life changing opportunities.

On the international front, we are likely to see many surprises. Big changes on the political front , with many apparently stable regimes going through massive changes.

This Year of the Snake is one of revelations, we are likely to see secrets uncovered and more transparency regarding what is really going on. All this will set the scene for a fairer and more just future for many.

We are likely to see many adjustments in the world of money, finance and speculation. Think carefully before taking risks , use that serpentine wisdom and move slowly and steadily rather that taking any impulsive risks. Be brave but not foolhardy. This year is best for putting your money in tangibles rather than abstract ideas, schemes or plans. Stay grounded like the snake.

Big shocks and surprises will occur in the world of the celebrity culture, many idols will fall. Reality strikes.

There are many unusual line-ups of planets this year , with that and the increase in the Schuman Resonance, we cannot avoid geophysical disturbances , such as earthquakes, typhoons and other extreme weather patterns. Tune in to your own Inner Guidance / your Intuition, before making travel plans. Call upon your own team of Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters to protect and guide you at all times.

The above forecasts are a general trend. There is no overall prediction for all of mankind. We each have our individual Karma, our unique gifts and talents, our own unhealed aspects. We also have the power within us to steer our own course.

* So therefore an individual Psychic Reading can shine a light on where YOU are going this year.

There are two kinds of people in the world. VICTIMS and MASTERS.

VICTIMS allow life to happen to them. MASTERS make it happen.


What does the FUTURE hold for you ?

I am always available for One-to-one PSYCHIC READINGS and SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE.

In a reading we can connect with your Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Your Ancestors and any beings of Light who are here to help you at this time. I can take a look at your journey ahead and help you navigate your journey.

I’m your Pychic Sat/Nav. GPS !!!

You may visit me in person or we can connect on line.

The Light Beings are all around us now as never before, to assist us in this time of transition.

Blessings, Love and Light to you.




You can always avail of a FREE 3 card daily Reading from the Angels.

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You may also find that my book


will give invaluable help through these challenging times.


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Jean. Auckland. N.Z.
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Anna. Bristol .U.K.

Click on Book to buy

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I have recorded many meditations.

And there are also my books .